We launched the Linda appeal at the end of 2020 with the aim of raising £60,000 to overhaul Linda, hopefully to return it back to traffic in time to celebrate 60 years on the railway, in 2022.
The fantastic news is, thanks to our supporters, we have so far raised the magnificent sum of £90,000 which gives the confidence to the Company to begin the overhaul.
Linda has been dismantled to remove the boiler to allow the boiler inspector to assess its condition as part of the ten year mandatory inspection. Given it is the oldest boiler in the fleet, dating from 1935, this is where the main concern lies. The frames and motion will be overhauled also.

The tender is in the shed also awaiting attention.

And some views of the boiler in the Erecting Shop waiting to have the tubes removed. Since these photos were taken the tubes have been taken out and the boiler inspector has visited. The initial view is that the condition is relatively good so there are no concerns.

Whilst the initial aim was to raise at least £60,000, the fact that we have achieved £90,000 (so far) means there is no concern about tackling all the jobs to ensure Linda returns to traffic in a good condition, ready for another ten years.